Saturday, September 27, 2008


NEWS: News is any new information or information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third party or mass audience. News, the reporting of current information on television and radio, and in newspapers and magazines.

Nowadays, people get news from many sources. The conventional way of getting news is Newspapers. Now we get new on Televisions, internet, mobile and what not. Now what do you mean by NEWS. It is abbrevation for North East West South. A collection of information from North, East, West and South forms NEWS.

As this blog is all about cool stuff, there can be nothing cooler than genuine news. As an effort to keep the readers of this blog up to date with the latest news from one place only I have kept three NEWS headlines in blog. On the right and side of this blog's homepage at the top you can get the headlines of news from "Times of India", "Economic Times" and "BBC News".

This will shows only top 7 news headlines, clicking on the link you can get the detailed news. Hope you enjoy the News. If you like this just put a comment

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